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Application for
Cullman Center
A few years ago, I discovered an exciting opportunity being offered at the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building of the New York Public Library...
By proposing a project that requires library materials, selected fellows are given the resources to complete it!
But which idea should I run with?
Since I make art to fit every situation -
I'd present my library experience like an explorer's journal.
Both focused and open-ended, this format can naturally incubate a variety of related ideas, with space to grow.

(If this is what I do in 20 min, imagine a day, a week, months...)

Potential Topics: Historic Architecture, Capture a Moment, The Library in all Seasons, Special Events, Who's Here Today and Why?
How the Library Came to Be & How it Works,
The Randomest Facts & Objects, Inspire Me,
Make a Zine / Activity Page, Design a Product, Listen to Knowledge - Then Tell Someone Else,
Old New York, Lettering Exercises, Doodle It,
Photos & Drawings & Prints, Luring The Public, Is This Allowed Inside? Might I Go Everywhere? Have an Idea, Let's Get Involved With This Too

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