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Drawn from the themes of

"New York City" and "Beer" 

for the comics art exhibit at

Bronx Brewery Hudson Yards 


Each panel reflects the creative experiences of sitting & making

art in bars within various contexts, sketching live events or night-time office hours, socializing or solo.


Based on real places, the center panel features a prior art piece that was created in a bar, and had embedded personal references. The last panel depicts me in a local bar making THIS artwork!

NYCABB Flyer.png

The art exhibit aligns with New York Comic Con and includes several special events!

- Opening Reception: Wednesday, October 16th  6-9pm

- Cosplay Figure Drawing: Thursday, October 17th  7-9pm (by Queens Drink 'N Draw)

- Comic & Cartoon Trivia Night: Friday, October 18th  6pm start


As expected, I was at the entire opening & some figure drawing, then elsewhere Friday as Press for The Beat during NYCC (cross-posted on Instagram).

Hoping to set up other meetups/drawing sessions, casually or officially, before the show closes on Sun, November 10th. 


UPDATE: Casual creative hangout on Friday, October 25th 7-8:30pm 

I had my own personal drink, dine & draw while remaining available for visitors and public engagement. Mapped out the Inktober prompts I'd previously missed. 

Possibly also Fridays Nov 1st & 8th, with sufficient interest / no scheduling conflicts.

Let's draw in bars together - sketch and socialize, talk comics, inking for October, and anticipating National Novel Writing Month.

(Actively adding more info about the artwork - overall context & details of each panel's backstory - and photos of the exhibit!)

(See previous "Latest Work" update)

Want to see more? Support my art activities to help this happen sooner + more in-depth insights to the purpose & process!

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