Walk into your local comic shop, and pick up some freebies! Free Comic Book Day is a national (and international) event where participating stores have special books to give away, and often feature appearances by comics creators. It occurs every year on the first Saturday in May. Keep reading below, to see how I participated!
If you missed the festivities, never fear - you can still find copies of my bitty book at Carmine Street Comics while they last, or simply print out your own! Here is your custom comic made just for this day:

Save and print the image...

Fold the page in half...
Then fold in half again...

Where in the world was The Ellesaur?
(Printing of these bitty books was made possible by Astoria Community Church, The Rockefeller University, and the Queens Public Library. Many thanks for the various services they provide!)

Coincidentally, my morning was booked for Science Saturday at The Rockefeller University, helping kids draw pictures of scientists (the inspiration for this bitty book's science theme).
See on the right, where one of our young scientists enhanced my bitty book with glow-in-the-dark paint!
Then the late afternoon was spent at Carmine Street Comics, where I appeared for a session of signing/drawing at 7pm, along with artist Soo Lee.
And you're ready to read!