NIGHTMARES 4th Annual Comic Art Exhibit
Reception on 7-10pm Friday, December 11th 2015
Displayed from Wed, December 9th - Sun, December 13th
Once again, I am participating in a group art exhibit at Ouchi Gallery in Brooklyn (New York City).
This year's theme - nightmares! Artists can interpret the concept in any way imaginable, and though most are comics artists, they can utilize any medium of their choice. Gerardo Casas is our lead curator, and this time I am assistant curator, so feel free to contact me with any questions. Keep reading below to get a sneak peek of the plans my contribution to the show...
The official postcard, with art by Gerardo R. Casas gerardorcasas (@) hotmail.com
Here I created my own promo flyer design, for easy copy/printing
Preview of my Project: Nadia and the Nightmares
As with last year's art show, I have decided to pair it up with my NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) endeavors, using its theme to determine my choice of novel. However, not having an existing "nightmares" story to build upon, I am inventing something new. What has emerged so far is the story of a girl / young woman trapped in a realm of dreams. She meets many strange entities while navigating a series of interconnected spaces, seeking answers and facing fears.
As I write the novel throughout the month of November, I will continue making illustrations for the cover and chapters. Whichever of these has been completed by December will be on display at the gallery. As per my usual fashion, I cannot simply put an art piece on the wall, so I also plan to display a small table of props that appear in the book, and hope to have a sampler of the novel available to peruse. For one (or several) days, I would also like to do live ink paintings from the floor of the gallery, resembling the Scribe character in the story.

The Lady wears the face you expect her to,
and smiles only for you.
First previewed art piece. Nadia encounters The Lady, who appears charming, but lures you into her web like a spider and never lets you leave.